Tuesday, January 27, 2015

WIP Afterlife Republic Grenadier

Over the weekend, I started putting together my new Afterlife minis and got around to painting them. So far, I'm not completely sold on the color scheme. It looked a little different in my head so I might end up tweaking things in the near future before I start on the rest of the squad.

Most of the colors came from Vallejo's Model Color WWII Allied set, Citadel's Goblin Green and Evil Sunz Scarlet for the visor and optic, respectively.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Afterlife Unboxing?

Much to my delight, my split shipment of my Afterlife: Shards of Liberty KS backing arrived today. The box contained everything currently available from the Afterlife line, and the rest of the kickstarter will begin shipping in February.

I had planned on doing an unboxing post, but with these kits have been out long enough for other sites to have done nicely detail reviews. So, in lieu of doing my own unboxing I direct your attention to the following links:

I do have to say that I am really impressed with the level of detail in these kits and they feel quite a bit sturdier than GW's Finecast line. As BOLS points out in their review, they are a bit more on the true scale of 28mm so I'm feeling a bit intimidated. Space Marine power armor is so much easier to paint.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Afterlife Terrain Project

I recently backed the Afterlife: Shards of Liberty KickStarter campaign (click here for that). Even with the KS campaign ended, you can still support them here until about the end of January 2015.

Anyways, in anticipation of some sweet new resin minis I decided that I'd make up some new terrain that better fits their skirmish sized game. I had a large piece that I had originally intended to be a centerpiece for my 40K board but still wasn't finished. I used that as a base and began to add on to it.

Some content originally posted on the Afterlife forums

The above photos are the beginning of the original 40K project. Baal Predator and Blood Angels Sternguard Veteran shown for scale.

Ground  floor offices and rooms added.

2nd floor

3rd floor

Alternate view of assembled building

The bane of my existence: The stairwell that I have to build

Issues that I ran into:
  • My foam board was a bit warped so I'll have to find a way to make the floors a bit more stable when they're "put together"
  • In my hastiness, some of the "supporting walls" don't match up on different levels. I'm going to go with the fact that the building is mostly destroyed and thus the structural integrity has been compromised  
  • Hot glue is... HOT
  • I'm dreading making a stairwell

The main construction was built with foam core on a piece of fiber board and held together with hot glue. Joel from Anvil Industry gave me a few pointers about using PVA or wood glue for construction and using pins to reinforce the walls and fixing balsa wood struts or plastic I-beams to the floor would make it more rigid and help the warping.

Up Next:
- texturing floors with rubble and bits
- stairwell...
- basecoating

Introductions and such

I don't know how you ended up here, but thanks for dropping in.

Compared to some, I haven't been gaming that long. As far as tabletop war gaming, I got my start with Heroscape by Hasbro in 2007. After finally giving in to a friend's pestering to check out 40K night at a local game shop in 2010, I was hooked. I sold all my Heroscape stuff off and dumped that money into my new hobby.

Since then I've dabbled in kit bashing and some scratch-built terrain while working on my painting skill. Nothing too major.

The intent of this blog is to consolidate my hobbying into one place and hopefully give others ideas and assistance on projects and techniques and learn something from other readers.

With that said, I hope you enjoy watching me stumble my way through my hobby.